Monday, September 26, 2011

Oatmeal Bread

I have been making bread the past few weeks with this recipe. On Saturday, I decided to make a double recipe because we go through it so fast. This bread is delicious, but here's the best part: It is quick. Yep, a yeast bread that doesn't take lots of time to make. It only needs 30 minutes to rise and about that same time or slightly more to cook. So if you need a bread recipe that you can decide to make at the last minute...check this one out!


  1. This looks great. I can't wait to try it.

    Heidi's super natural living book just arrived from amazon last night. I'm looking forward to digging in!

  2. @Meghan- Ooh, how exciting that you got the cookbook! It is on my list of books I would like. :) Would love to hear what you think! I am sure it is fabulous. I have her first one and really like it- especially how she explains the natural ingredients and how/why to cook with them. Very helpful!

  3. Thanks for this bread idea! I made it Tuesday evening-and it is delicious. It makes good toast too:)
    your friend in Evanston.

  4. Hello my friend in Evanston! :) I am so glad you liked it! And yes, I also enjoy it as toast. I had a tomato and mayo sandwich on it (not toasted) and it was delicious.
