Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BooBoo in a Box

Banzaï, aka BooBoo, aka 'ti-BooBoo, as S usally calls him.
'ti= petit="small", but he is not really very small. :)

Last night, our cat, BooBoo, found a box I was going to use to mail a package. He removed the bubble wrap and crawled in, and has been there ever since. Well, he has left briefly, but this box is his new Very Favorite Place. He likes it so much that I foresee the box being in our life for a while, so I think I have to find another box for that package.

PS. BooBoo is the best cat ever. And I am not historically a cat person...I used to be kind of the opposite. But BooBoo is almost like a dog, and is so great that I am now becoming more of a cat person in general. Who knew?!

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